
The overall situation of China's mold market

(1) One of the largest mold manufacturing countries

Under the guidance of the national economic strategy, the Chinese mold industry is in the process of transformation and upgrading.

Since entering the 21st century, China's mold industry has not only met domestic demand, but also entered overseas markets. China's mold imports are maintaining a growth rate of 30%. In 2010, exports exceeded imports, with an export volume exceeding 3 billion US dollars, which means that China has become a major producer and exporter of molds.

(2) Our goal is to become a strong mold manufacturing country, where the industry is the leading force in the national economy and the constantly changing economic battlefield.

The concept proposed in the "Industrial Transformation Plan (2011-2015)" issued by the Chinese government points out that China's industrial development environment has undergone some profound changes. The extensive growth model is difficult to sustain, and it is necessary to transform the development mode to promote industry development. The transformation includes comprehensively optimizing the technical structure, organizational structure, layout structure, and industry structure, and improving the entire structure.

Improving and transforming is the only way to become a strong industrial country. The plan proposes the main tasks of industrial transformation and upgrading, and points out the development direction of key areas. The plan requires the development of advanced equipment manufacturing, focusing on the key links of industrial upgrading, and emphasizing the research and improvement of system integration level, proposing innovation in precision molds.

Almost all target plans involve the mold industry, so this plan is a guiding document for the upgrading and transformation of the mold industry.

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