
The Development Path of China's Machine Tool Industry

(1) Technology introduction

Given the rapid development of China's machine tool industry, which is mainly based on low-end machine tools, the industry should seek technological progress and produce CNC and large machine tools with high technological level and added value. However, due to the late development and low level of China's machine tool industry, advanced foreign machine tool technology can be introduced first for digestion, research, and innovation.

(2) Overseas mergers and acquisitions

In recent years, the international economy has been turbulent and many enterprises have faced bankruptcy and bankruptcy due to difficulties such as reduced orders and insufficient funds. At this point, seeking asset restructuring and accepting mergers and acquisitions have become the best choices for these dying companies. In this context, China actively supports Chinese enterprises in overseas mergers and acquisitions, utilizing their high-quality resources and bringing in advanced production technologies, designs, and outstanding talents from abroad. Especially in the machine tool industry, the German machine tool industry is at the forefront of the world's machine tool industry, gathering the most advanced technology and excellent talents in the machine tool industry. China's machine tool industry should pay more attention to the trends of German machine tool production enterprises and actively engage in overseas mergers and acquisitions, such as the acquisition information of internationally renowned machine tool manufacturers such as EEW-PROTEC and Demage GmbH in Germany.

(3) Self innovation

In addition to technology introduction and overseas mergers and acquisitions, China's machine tool industry also needs to continuously upgrade its industry, innovate itself, and enhance its product development capabilities.

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