
Market Analysis Report on CNC Machine Tools

1、 The emergence of CNC machine tools

In the mid-20th century, with the development of electronic technology, the emergence of automatic information processing, data processing, and electronic computers brought new concepts to automation technology. Digital signals were used to control the movement and processing of machine tools, promoting the development of machine tool automation. As a result, CNC machine tools, a new type of processing equipment, emerged.

CNC machine tool is the abbreviation for Computer numerical control machine tools, which is an automated machine tool equipped with a program control system. This control system is capable of logically processing programs with control codes or other symbolic instructions, decoding them, representing them in coded numbers, and inputting them into the CNC device through an information carrier. After calculation and processing, various control signals are sent out by the CNC device to control the action of the machine tool. The parts are automatically processed according to the shape and size requirements of the drawing. CNC machine tools have effectively solved complex, precise, small batch, and multi variety part processing problems. They are a flexible and efficient automated machine tool, representing the development direction of modern machine tool control technology and a typical mechatronics integrated product.

2、 The development status of CNC machine tools is that CNC machine tools are the processing mother machine of the manufacturing industry and an important foundation of the national economy.

It provides equipment and means for various sectors of the national economy, with infinitely amplified economic and social effects. Industrialized countries such as Europe, the United States, and Japan have successively completed the industrialization process of CNC machine tools, while China has been in the development stage since the 1980s.

(1) The development status of domestic CNC machine tools: China developed its first CNC machine tool in 1958, and the development process can be roughly divided into two stages. From 1958 to 1979, it was the first stage, and from 1979 to the present, it has been the second stage.

In the first stage, due to a lack of understanding of the characteristics and development conditions of CNC machine tools, poor personnel quality, weak foundation, and inadequate supporting parts, they rushed up and down one after another, experiencing three ups and downs, but ultimately stopped due to poor performance and inability to be used for production. The main problem is blindness and a lack of scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts.

In the second stage, CNC system technology was introduced from countries such as Japan, Germany, the United States, and Spain, and cooperation and joint venture production were carried out to solve reliability and stability issues. CNC machine tools began to be officially produced and used, and gradually developed forward.

So far, gratifying achievements have been made in the development, design, and manufacturing of medium and high-end CNC systems with independent copyrights. Our country's CNC products cover more than 300 varieties, including turning, milling (including profile milling), boring and milling, drilling, grinding, machining centers, gear machines, bending machines, flame cutting machines, flexible manufacturing units, etc.

The medium and low-end CNC systems have reached the ability to produce sound in small batches. Especially in recent years, China's CNC industry has developed rapidly. From 1998 to 2004, the annual average growth rates of domestic CNC machine tool production and consumption were 39

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